
Vim Cheatsheet

A simple cheatsheet I made when I was first using Vim/Neovim that I still use to this day.

Last updated: May 4th, 2023

Vital Commands

Opening Files

The most basic way to open a file in vim is to just call it as an argument:

$ vim path/to/file.txt

      #You can open more than one file like this.
      vim path/to/file1.txt path/to/file2.txt path/to/file3.txt

      #Vim even supports connecting over urls
      vim https://path/to/file1.txt ftp://path/to/file2.txt scp://path/to/file3.txt

Alternatively, if you open vim without arguments you can use :edit or :e to open files in write mode.

:e path/to/file4.txt

Basic Navigation

  • k - up
  • j - down
  • l - right
  • h - left
  • Ctrl+f - bottom
  • Ctrl+b - top
  • :n - move to nth line

Basic Editing

To edit the document you need to enter insert mode. You can do this by pressing the i key. To exit insert mode you press the Esc key

Closing the File

If you're in normal mode you can exit in two ways:

:wq  #write changes to disk and quit.
      :qa!  # quit all open docs and ignore warnings.

Operators and Motions

Operators are commands and motions are what you want the command to act on.

List of Operators

  • d - delete (adds to buffer, can paste)
  • u - undo
  • y - yank/copy
  • p - put/paste
  • r - replace
  • c - change
  • A - append
  • / - search
  • % - finds matching brackets
  • :% - all occurences
  • :r - pushes external data to cursor, can be file or external command
  • :! - run external command
  • :s/old/new/g

List of Motions

  • w - until next word
  • e - end of current word
  • $ - end of line

List of Counts

  • 0 - start of the current line
  • n - n * motion