

Intro to AWS Core Services and how to hack them

Last updated: May 4th, 2023



  • AWS Account
    • Container for resources
    • Unique 12-digit ID
    • Security boundary, root creds are the only way to access control plane
  • Root User
    • One email = one root user
    • IAM superuser
    • AWS Organisations root setup commonly results in a root user with weak passwords and no MFA
    • Quit Riot is a tool to enumerate valid root user email addresses


  • IAM engine evaluates access granted to IAM principles through a series of logic statements that begin with implicit deny and are evaluated to explicit deny or explicit allow.
  • A logic chart showing that all policy decisions start with an implicit deny, then evaluates to either explicit deny or explicit allow for Org SCPs, Resource-Based policies, ID-Based policies, IAM permission boundaries and Session Policies.
  • IAM roles
    • AWS principles that have permissions
    • assume-role/switch-role
      • Allow other identities to gain privileges of another IAM role as determined by the "assume-role trust policy"
  • Supports SAML and OpenID
  • Identity Center allow IdP access to permission sets


  • Hierarchical
  • Organizational policies can be used to restrict child accounts


  • Allow network segmentation
  • Default VPC Service Caps
    • DNS Resolver @
    • NTP @
    • KMS Service for Windows Licensing @
    • EC2 @
    • ECS @


Terms and Concepts

  • Bucket
    • A flat file storage system that can hold objects (files) up to 5TB
    • Pseudohierarchical folders are used but buckets can not contain other buckets
  • Access Controls
    • s3:GetObject (read) and s3:PutObject (write)
    • Access Control Lists
      • S3 Buckets before November 2021 used ACL's, they are recommended to be disabled but some still use them now.
      • Identity-based
    • Bucket Policies
      • More human-readable syntax
      • Resource-based

Public S3 Buckets

  • Until 2018, new buckets were public by default.
  • Many ways to find
    • Search Engines
    • Web page source
    • DNS recon
    • Subdomain recon
    • Naming Conventions
  • You can download an s3 bucket using the aws cli
    • aws s3 sync s3://{bucket-name} . --no-sign-request



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