

My notes on cybersecurity topics.

Last updated: May 4th, 2023



Components of a CPU

  • ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
    • Functions and arithmetic operations
  • Control Unit (CU)
    • Role in instruction execution
    • Instruction cycle
  • Registers
    • General-purpose registers
    • Segment registers
    • Flags register
    • Instruction pointer

Memory Hierarchy

Level Type Characteristics
Registers Fastest Smallest capacity, closest to the CPU
Cache Fast Provides a bridge between registers and main memory
Main Memory (RAM) Slower Stores program instructions and data
Secondary Storage Slowest Long-term storage (e.g., hard drives, SSDs)


  • Functions
    • A function is a named sequence of instructions that performs a specific task.
  • Process
    • A process is an instance of a running program.
    • It represents the execution environment for a program, including its memory space, resources, and execution state.
  • Thread
    • A thread is a unit of execution within a process.
    • It represents a single sequence of instructions that can be scheduled and executed independently.
    • Threads share the same memory space as the process and can communicate with each other.
  • Stack
    • The stack is a region of memory used for organizing function calls and managing local variables.
    • It grows and shrinks dynamically as functions are called and return.
  • Stack Frames
    • A stack frame, also known as an activation record, is a data structure associated with each function call on the stack.
    • It contains information such as the return address, function arguments, and local variables.
  • Heaps
    • The heap is a region of memory used for dynamic memory allocation.
    • It is managed by the program and can be used to allocate and deallocate memory blocks at runtime.
  • Handles
    • Handles are unique identifiers used by an operating system to reference resources such as files, windows, or synchronization objects.
  • Exceptions
    • Exceptions are events that occur during program execution that disrupt the normal flow.
    • They are often triggered by exceptional conditions such as errors or abnormal situations.



Register Description
EAX Accumulator register used for arithmetic and logical operations
EBX Base register used for addressing data in memory
ECX Counter register often used in loop operations
EDX Data register used for arithmetic operations and I/O
ESI Source index register used for string operations and array access
EDI Destination index register used for string operations and array access
ESP Stack pointer register used for managing the stack
EBP Base pointer register used for accessing function parameters and local variables


Segment registers are used in x86 architecture for memory segmentation. They include:

  • CS (Code Segment): Points to the segment that contains the current instruction being executed
  • DS (Data Segment): Points to the segment that contains data used by the program
  • SS (Stack Segment): Points to the segment used for the stack
  • ES (Extra Segment): Used as an additional data segment
  • FS and GS (Additional Segments): Additional segment registers available in some x86 processors


Flag Description
ZF Zero Flag: Indicates whether the result of the previous operation was zero
CF Carry Flag: Indicates whether an arithmetic operation generated a carry or borrow
OF Overflow Flag: Indicates whether an arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow
SF Sign Flag: Indicates the sign of the result of an arithmetic or logical operation
DF Direction Flag: Controls the direction of string operations (forward or backward)

Instruction Pointer

The Instruction Pointer (IP) or EIP (Extended Instruction Pointer) register stores the memory address of the next instruction to be executed.


Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs)

  • x86
    • Intel's x86 architecture commonly used in modern desktop and server systems.
  • ARM
    • ARM architecture widely used in mobile devices, embedded systems, and IoT devices.

Common Instructions(x86)

Instruction Type Description
MOV Control Flow Moves data between registers, memory, or immediate values.
CMP Control Flow Compares two values and sets flags based on the result.
JMP Control Flow Unconditionally jumps to a specified address.
CALL Control Flow Pushes the return address onto the stack and transfers control to a specified address.
RET Control Flow Pops the return address from the stack and transfers control back to the calling function.
MOV Memory Access Moves data between registers and memory.
LOAD Memory Access Loads data from memory into a register.
STORE Memory Access Stores data from a register into memory.
ADD Arithmetic Operations Adds two values and stores the result.
SUB Arithmetic Operations Subtracts one value from another and stores the result.
MUL Arithmetic Operations Multiplies two values and stores the result.
DIV Arithmetic Operations Divides two values and stores the result.
AND Bitwise Operations Performs a bitwise AND operation between two values and stores the result.
OR Bitwise Operations Performs a bitwise OR operation between two values and stores the result.
XOR Bitwise Operations Performs a bitwise XOR operation between two values and stores the result.

Memory Addressing

Memory addressing in x86 architecture involves various addressing modes:

  • Direct addressing: Accessing memory using a specific memory address.
    mov eax, [0x12345678]
  • Indirect addressing: Accessing memory using a value stored in a register or memory location.
    mov eax, [ebx]
  • Indexed addressing: Adding an offset to a base address stored in a register.
    mov eax, [ebx + 0x10]
  • Scaled indexing: Multiplying an offset by a scaling factor before adding it to a base address.
    mov eax, [ebx + esi*2]
  • Relative addressing: Accessing memory relative to the current instruction pointer or program counter.
    jmp near ptr label


; Example x86 assembly code
section .text
  global _start

  mov eax, 1          ; Control Flow - Move value 1 into the eax register
  mov ebx, 42         ; Control Flow - Move value 42 into the ebx register
  add eax, ebx        ; Arithmetic Operations - Add the values in eax and ebx, storing the result in eax
  cmp eax, 50         ; Control Flow - Compare eax with the value 50
  jl less_than_50     ; Control Flow - Jump if less than 50
  jg greater_than_50  ; Control Flow - Jump if greater than 50
  jmp equal_to_50     ; Control Flow - Jump if equal to 50

  ; Code for when eax is less than 50
  jmp end

  ; Code for when eax is greater than 50
  jmp end

  ; Code for when eax is equal to 50

  ; End of program
  mov eax, 1


File System

Windows supports different file systems. Here's a comparison:

File System Features
NTFS Supports advanced features like file and folder permissions, encryption, compression, and journaling.
FAT Simple file system with limited features, suitable for small storage devices and compatibility with older systems.

In Windows, important directories include:

  • User Directory (e.g., C:\Users\Username): The user's home directory, which contains personal files and user-specific settings.
  • System Directory (e.g., C:\Windows\System32): Stores essential system files and libraries.
  • Registry (e.g., HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software): A hierarchical database that stores system and application settings.

When comparing the file structures of 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, the main difference lies in the system directories. On 64-bit systems, there are separate directories for 32-bit and 64-bit files:

  • 32-bit System Directory: C:\Windows\SysWOW64
  • 64-bit System Directory: C:\Windows\System32

This structure ensures compatibility for 32-bit applications on 64-bit systems.


Consists of keys, subkeys, and values. Here's an overview of the registry structure:

Root Key Description
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Contains file associations, COM objects, and ActiveX controls.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Stores settings for the currently logged-in user.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Stores system-wide settings and hardware configurations.
HKEY_USERS Contains profiles for all user accounts on the system.
HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Stores information about the current hardware profile.

Windows APIs

The Windows API (Application Programming Interface) provides a set of functions that allow developers to interact with the operating system and its components.

Memory, Process, and Thread Management

Memory Management

Windows identifies memory regions through memory addresses and uses memory management techniques to allocate, deallocate, and protect memory. Some unique attributes include:

  • Virtual Memory: The virtual memory system provides each process with its own address space, allowing programs to operate independently of one another.
  • Memory Protection: Memory regions can be protected with different access permissions, such as read, write, or execute, to ensure memory integrity and security.
  • Page Tables: Windows employs page tables to map virtual addresses to physical addresses and manage memory pages efficiently.
Process Management

A process in Windows represents an instance of a running program. Each process has a unique identifier (Process ID) and its own virtual address space. Some important attributes and API functions include:

Attribute Description API Functions
Process ID (PID) A unique identifier assigned to each process. CreateProcess, OpenProcess, GetCurrentProcess
Process Termination API functions to terminate a process. TerminateProcess, ExitProcess
Process Creation API functions to create new processes. CreateProcess, CreateRemoteThread
Thread Management

A thread represents an execution context within a process. Threads allow concurrent execution and enable multitasking. Each thread has its own stack, registers, and execution state but uses the virtual address space assigned to its parent process. Some important attributes and API functions include:

Attribute Description API Functions
Thread ID (TID) A unique identifier assigned to each thread within a process. CreateThread, GetCurrentThread, OpenThread
Thread Synchronization API functions for thread synchronization and coordination. WaitForSingleObject, WaitForMultipleObjects, CreateMutex
Thread Termination API functions to terminate a thread. TerminateThread, ExitThread


  • PEB: The PEB contains information about a process, including its image base address, command-line arguments, environment variables, loaded modules, and more.
  • TEB: The TEB stores thread-specific information, such as the thread ID, stack base and limit, thread-local storage (TLS) data, and exception handling information.

Here's a table summarizing the attributes and API functions related to the PEB and TEB:

Attribute Description API Functions
PEB Process-specific information GetModuleHandle, GetCommandLine, GetEnvironmentVariable
TEB Thread-specific information GetCurrentThread, GetThreadId


Hex Editor

A hex editor is a tool used to view and edit binary files at the hexadecimal level. It allows users to examine and modify the raw data of files, including executables, libraries, and other binary formats.


A decompiler is a tool that takes an executable or binary file and attempts to reconstruct the original source code from which it was compiled. It can be useful in reverse engineering to analyze and understand the functionality and logic of a program.


A disassembler is a tool that converts machine code or binary files into assembly language instructions. It allows reverse engineers to examine the low-level instructions of a program, understand its structure, and analyze its behavior.


A debugger is a tool used for analyzing and troubleshooting programs. It allows users to execute a program step by step, set breakpoints, inspect variables, and track the program's execution flow. Debuggers are essential for dynamic analysis, bug hunting, and vulnerability discovery.

  • Ring0
    • A ring0 debugger operates in kernel mode and provides deep visibility into the system's inner workings and allows for advanced kernel-level debugging, allowing access to any address in memory.
  • Ring3
    • A ring3 debugger operates in user mode and only lets us access the address space used by the process we are debugging. They are often user friendly but are commonly detected by anti-reversing techniques

Monitoring Tools

  • System:
    • System monitoring tools are used to monitor access to files or registry keys
  • API:
    • API monitoring tools hook Windows APIs used by the process under examination.


String References

Exploring the Stack

Algorithm Reversing

Windows Registry Manipulation

File Manipulation

Multi-Thread Applications


Debugger Detection

Code Execution Time Detection

Breakpoint Detection

VM Detection


Code Obfuscation

Packing, Analysis and Unpacking