
C165 - Integrated Physical Sciences

Long time enjoyer of science videos on YouTube so a lot of the information wasn't new. Rock Types and Cloud Types were the weaker points for me, so again, struggling with terminology.

Last updated: May 4th, 2023


Rock Types

  • Igneous rocks are formed from the melting and cooling of rocks, if this cooling occurs above ground the process is usually faster and leads to a reduced formation of crystals.
  • Sedimentary rocks are formed from the erosion and deposition of sediments.
  • Metamorphic rocks are formed from intense heat and pressure.

Boundary Types

  • The three plate boundaries are divergent, convergent and transform.
  • Convergent boundaries are where two plates collide and one plate is forced under the other. There is a high risk of earthquakes and volcanoes at these boundaries.
  • Divergent boundaries are where two plates move away from each other. This is where new crust is formed. There is high risk of volcanoes but lower risk of earthquakes here.
  • Transform boundaries are where two plates slide past each other. There is a very high risk of earthquakes and low risk of volcanoes here.

Cloud Types

  • Cumulus clouds are fluffy and white with flat bases and puffy tops.
  • Stratus clouds are low-level clouds that look like a blanket of fog in the sky.
  • Alto clouds are mid-level clouds that share characteristics of Stratus and Cirrus clouds.
  • Cirrus clouds are high-level clouds that look like feathers or wispy strands.
  • Nimbus clouds are associated with rain and usually dark
  • Most clouds are combinations of the