
C168 - Critical Thinking and Logic

I did well on the practice assessement and only had an issue with terminology, below is pretty much all the terminology you will need, I used the course material

Last updated: May 4th, 2023


Topic 1

Critical Thinking

  • What is critical thinking?
    • An intellectual model for understanding issues and forming reasonable and informed views on them
  • Interlinking Dimensions of Critical Thinking
    • Analysing one's own thinking and breaking it into parts
    • Evaluating one's own thinking and identifying its weaknesses while recognising its strengths
    • Reconstructing one's own thinking to improve it
  • Bad Thinking Habits
    • Making Generalisations
    • Stereotyping
    • Jumping to Conclusions
    • Dismissing Evidence

Topic 2

Elements of Critical Thinking

  • Purposes
    • Our purpose effects how we ask questions
  • Questions
    • Our questions effect how we gather information
  • Information
    • The information we gather affects the inferences we make
  • Inferences
    • What we infer affects how we conceptualize it.
  • Concepts
    • Our understanding of concepts affects our assumptions
  • Assumptions
    • Assumptions can affect the implications we draw
  • Implications
    • Implications affect our point of view
  • Points of View
    • Our point of view affects our thinking

The Standards

  • Clarity
  • Accuracy
  • Relevance
  • Depth
  • Logic
  • Significance
  • Precision
  • Breadth
  • Fairness